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  • Takara
    Post count: 12

    I left out that I’m a hairstylist and salon owner working and living in a small town in Missouri about 60 miles south of St. Louis. I’m also married without children.

    Post count: 12

    WELL… I thought I introduced myself here several weeks ago, but as I’m replying to some of you I don’t see it! It must have not went through. So let me introduce myself!

    My name is Takara, I’m here to try to settle some of these unsure feelings I have about making the move and excited to be a part of a community of people with the same goal/dream/plan.

    My husband (John) and I first visited in 2005 for our honeymoon. We’ve taken 6 vacations to Hawaii & visited the 4 main islands + Molokai.

    I seriously can not decide which island I love the most. Each of them have their own amazing qualities. I felt like Molokai & Kauai spoke to me the most. But we believe Oahu is where we would need to be for work.

    I’m not worried about leaving family currently, but one day it will be an issue. I’m an only child and when my parents need my help, I’ll either have to return to the mainland or they will need to come to me. I can’t imagine trying to oversee care from that many thousands of miles away. So our hope is that they join us someday.

    Being able to afford to live in Hawaii is our biggest concern. As nether of us have high income jobs. We currently live in one of the lowest income areas of the U.S. and we’re wanting to move to one of the more expensive areas of the U.S. It’s intimidating. Otherwise I don’t see us having any other issues. The aloha spirit is in me and I share and admire many of the other Hawaiian principles and values. It’s one of the draws for me. There’s a feeling that’s indescribable that I have when I’m there.

    I look forward to talking to all of you more in the near future! Let’s do this! 🤙🏼

    Post count: 12

    Oh that’s brave! But as obsessed with Hawaii as we are, I can’t imagine you’d be disappointed. I wish we had family there! That will definitely help in your transition!

    Post count: 12

    I too can relate to this! I remember exactly where we were 4 years ago when we first decided. I remember the weather, the feeling, and where we were. Ever have a weather change and it remind you of a feeling somewhere else? We were driving with the windows down, in the bottom of a valley with a corn field, I swear I could feel and smell Hawaii for a moment. That’s where our conversation began. We also aren’t so sure about whether or not this is possible financially, but we are sure going to try!

    Post count: 12

    Oh gosh, us too! We’d always laugh when they would say in the intro… I believe it was “you just have to want it!” Haha! If only it were that easy! We would have been there years ago!

    Post count: 12

    Exciting! Very cool that part of your history includes spending extended amounts of time in Hawaii. 2024 will be here before we know it! Living on Big Island will be an absolute dream! Your little one will be so lucky to have that experience!

    Post count: 12

    I once had dreams of a career in illustration. I regret not diving deeper into art. I’m feeling envious. Lived in Okinawa (my father in law tells stories from being stationed there), well traveled with the military, an artist, and the ability to work remotely!!

    Post count: 12

    Oh, but the green mountains in Hawaii! 😍 Unfortunately I’ve never been to the UK, but when I hear someone talk about green… I think about Hawaii. That’s the part I love the most. Those steep green slopes!

    Post count: 12

    We believe Oahu will be best for us in regards to our jobs. Kauai calls my name though! How about you?

    Post count: 12

    The thing I thought of listening to most of this course is that it doesn’t sound like I’ll have to change much at all. These are all characteristics and values I’ve always held. It feels like common sense to me, but I’m aware not everyone share these beliefs and ways of life, especially with todays’ current events.

    I guess you could say it’s a relief knowing I won’t need to adjust how I treat others, and if I find that I do, I’m already very willing to adapt. I might need to make more eye contact.

    Post count: 12

    We’ve already taken an unvacation to both Oahu & Big Island. It was definitely a different experience! It didn’t discourage us at all. It was exciting!

    Being social will be one of the biggest struggles each of us will have. We love people, but socializing doesn’t come naturally to either of us. That’s actually what drew us to each other! But we know it’s something that we’ll have to do. Maybe that’s what will break us out of our comfort zones. Volunteering services will definitely be our gateway.

    Post count: 12
    in reply to: Biggest surprises? #14927

    Biggest surprise… hmm. Well, when you said how significant the pay decrease is there. I’m curious to what area of the country you are comparing it to. There’s such a wide range of average household incomes even when comparing in one state alone. We live in Missouri and in one of the cheaper areas to live in Missouri, therefor some of the lowest wages.

    I had an understanding that the pay there wasn’t great compared to how much housing and things cost, but I felt like from the research I had done that income would still be higher (approximately .25x-.5x) than what we have here but things would cost multiple (at least 3x if not more) what it costs here.

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